Thursday, September 23, 2010

Criticizing True Parenting and Leadership,0,4512697.story

So the link of above is that regarding a young lady with cerebral palsy who had been bullied by student on a Seminole County school bus. Before I get into my observations and perspective on this, I want to first say God Bless the family and welcome the girl home from the hospital in hopes that she will not be forever scarred by her ordeal and the fact that her father was punished for a heroic and fatherly act.

I posted an article awhile ago,about bullies and teasing and when it goes too far. I've read a lot of articles revolving around this particular story, that has caused many adults to relive their childhood nightmares of being bullied by mean kids. These kids are not just mean, they aren't properly reared and parented. Although a lot of bullies are also victims unbeknownst to us, it only and often epidemically spreads this tragic condition in life rather than impedes it.

James Jones is the father of this young girl who just started middle school and happens to be handicapped. His daughter was being bullied on the school bus to the subjection of having a condom unwrapped and placed on her head. How vulgar and disrespectful is that?! Mr. Jones reported that he had in fact spoke to school officials about what was happening to his child. They didn't do anything! He took matters into his own hands by boarding the bus to confront the students, cursing at them and threatening the boy who placed a condom on his daughter's head. He was arrested and his daughter continued to be bullied. The fact that authorities disciplined the man instead of the students proves why it continued. Why they didn't learn anything from their actions and the consequences therein. There weren't any consequences for them!

We as a society criticize parents and their ability to lead and supervise delinquent minded children with tough love (okay it wasn't tough love but anger but necessary and valid) when it's necessary. Yet officials show no competence in their ability to prevent such incidents from occurring. They encourage us to participate in our child's schools, to help lead the children, they often accuse parents of using them as babysitters and not being involved and invested in their children educational and learning environment. Contradictory and hypocrisy at it's best! I myself have had to deal with similar situations being a mother of three. When my son was in fifth grade, he was dragged in the girl's bathroom by four young ladies. When a teacher saw him exiting, she jumped to the conclusion that my son RAPED the girls?! WTF???!!! It went on his record where he was told it would be a permanent crime on his record for life. The girls did not hesitate to confess that they PULLED my son in the bathroom because they thought he was cute,(which would could have very well been classified as sexual harassment from such harsh judgment as the one exercised against my son) they were ignored. My son was heartbroken as was I. I was more furious which led me to fight for my son and I mean by any means necessary and literally if push came to shove. The next morning I was stopped at the school entrance and told the charges were removed. You think that satisfied me? Hell no, they were gonna hear from me still. They were gonna know that it was not acceptable to drag my son's good name through the dirt like that and not even for a split second! They thought because they decided to do the right thing however late it was okay to call my son a rapist and not even apologize to him. Sometimes the children involved will have a conscious and remorse for their actions and it's the PARENTS AND OFFICIALS who don't.The only apology we received was from the young ladies involved. "It's over, we have taken care of it", is all the staff had to say. So I said "Fuck you very much!" and thanked the girls, who deserved recognition for taking responsibility for their actions .

Fifteen years later, I'm experiencing the same with my nephew. Who has
reported to me on more than one occasion that his teachers observe him being attacked and threatened and do nothing until he feels forced to defend himself. They then only acknowledge him as the wrong doer and reprimand him. I will hear the teacher out and if she so much as stutters I serve her ass up on a platter. I would much rather deal with an adult than a child. Which brings me to my point. These "mofos"(officials) don't want to deal with the parents because they figure if the child is that unruly and out of control the parents are ten times worst and they are scared. They'd rather take a chance on YOU and your decent character and well behaved child because you will be easier to deal with right? WRONG!! Make no mistake that good character and manners makes me a punk and that I won't get "loco" to protect my children and their rights! Go Mr. Jones, they ought to be kissing your black ass, giving you the key to the damn city and asking you to jump on board that damn bus as security!