Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Black Widows and the Need to Feed the Greed

Deidra Lane was a chilling story of an NFL wife who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth but robbed banks and murdered her husband, for a 5 million dollar insurance policy. I guess you could say she was going for platinum? I tried wrapping my mind around this one as I read of her release from being imprisoned for 8 years earlier this year. I guess you could say I'm a bit worried being the mother of children with star quality. What kind of people are out here preying on our son's and daughters? What's driving them to do these things when they seem to already have money? I mean this girl's dad paid a $100,000 bond to get her out of jail knowing she would be convicted. That's having money to throw around if you ask me. Was she just that rotten and spoiled that she had a bottomless pit in her soul that couldn't be satisfied? I mean it was found out that dude was broke and ready to leave her. Fred Lane Jr. returned that day to retrieve a motor cycle in order to sell it for cash. While she had been splurging and spending she was also robbing banks with the help of her best friend. Not to mention how easy on the eyes she is, was said to be soft spoken and kind. Friends and parents were totally blind sided by the fact that she didn't appear to be a gold digger because her parents were wealthy. See, I think it's very important to teach our children to value people more than they do material things like money and all it can afford them. Somewhere along the line money becomes their God, parents , best friends and spouses and the actual human form gets in their way to keep it and have more of it. There is really no other logical explanation for this woman going to extremes as to commit murder for something she has never been deprived of... wealth. No morals or compassion for life, only dollars. It wouldn't surprise me if her own father ended up dead now. She has a need to feed her greed that HE instilled in her. This young man is gone now, will never meet his daughter who was only 7 days old when her mother murdered him. The court had the nerve to give the orphaned child to his murderers parents?! MONEY TALKS and it don't have to be bullshit to walk! Now she is out 8 years later and back home to raise her daughter who will probably have the same materialistic disease she has. The least justice could have done is give the child to her father's family. Deidra Lane has not fed off humanity enough for the law and respect for human life to take her problem seriously yet. The Black Widow will attack again.


  1. I've watched enough "Medical Detectives" and other Discovery Channel shows to know that the spouse is usually the killer.

    Is it really that serious?!?
